
Communication development is a complex puzzle and at times it can be difficult to understand why your child may have some of the puzzle pieces missing or not quite in the right place. If you feel you and your child need some additional support to complete the communication puzzle then I may be able to help.

If you have concerns in any of the areas detailed below regarding your child’s speech, language and communication skills then please contact me to discuss what we may be able to achieve together.

Areas of expertise

  • Understanding spoken language
  • Expressive language
  • Word finding and vocabulary
  • Speech sound production
  • Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia
  • Interaction and play skills
  • Attention and listening difficulties
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Developmental Delay
  • Chromosome disorders

I will work closely with your local NHS service if you are already known to them and with any other health or educational professional that your child has been referred to.

About us

I qualified in 2004 obtaining a BSc (Hons) degree in Speech and Language Therapy from City University London. I have extensive experience of working within the NHS prior to moving into independent practice.

I specialise in working with children aged 2 to 19 within preschool and school settings as well as within clients’ own homes.

I work within Kent and East Sussex but may be willing to travel further afield for assessments linked to potential Educational Health Care Plan assessments.

I am able to offer flexible assessment and therapy arrangements to suit your child’s needs. I will continually liaise with all those involved to ensure the current plan and intervention approach is having a positive impact on your child’s speech, language and communication development.

I also work alongside Claire White, a highly experienced early years practitioner who delivers intervention sessions in her role as a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant.

Claire is a paediatric nurse by qualification but has worked in preschool settings for many years. Claire is able to offer intervention in preschools, schools and home visits. Claire has a specialist interest in preschool language and communication difficulties including ASD but is also able to support children with speech sound difficulties.

Due to the high demand for independent speech and language therapy services joint working with Speech and Language Therapy Assistants allows us to provide more intervention to children and their families to help them meet their potential.

Alice Ramadoro is also a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant and is a qualified teacher by profession, specialising within Early Years. Alice has worked within state and independent primary schools. Alice brings a wealth of experience on how to support children with their learning and how language and communication difficulties can impact on this.

Jacqui Beel is a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant and has a degree in Psychology. Jacqui has been working in primary schools supporting children with speech sound development and phonics.

Services & Fees

Initial & Review Assessments - £90 per hour

Typically an initial or review assessment will last between 1 to 2 hours depending on the difficulties your child is experiencing.

All assessment fees include a summary report, which will consist of a basic write up of the assessment session and details of the assessments used.

Observation sessions (including liaison with staff) - £75 per hour

This will include liaison with the SENCo or Class Teacher.

Therapy session (60 minutes) - £77

Consisting of 35-40 minutes direct therapy with your child and 20-25 minutes of liaison with staff/parents and clinical note writing.

Therapy session (45 minutes) - £65

25-30 minutes of direct therapy and 15-20 minutes of liaison with staff/parents and clinical note writing.

Therapy session (30 minutes) - £50

This session is appropriate for children who have mild speech sound difficulties or part of an intensive intervention programme for children with developmental verbal dyspraxia when the child is having 2 or more short sessions per week.

Report writing - £75 per hour

Following an initial or review assessment a comprehensive report can be provided upon request.

Therapy programmes (including resources) - £70 per hour

A written programme and pack of resources can be supplied alongside therapy intervention upon request in addition to the verbal feedback following each session.

Additional resources - £45 per hour

Further resources can be provided in addition to those sent with the therapy programme if requested and additional copies sent to school and/or parents.

Meetings - £75 per hour

Attendance at meetings linked to your child’s progress can be arranged if sufficient notice is given, ideally these should be organised within the child’s typical session time.

SLT Assistant Initial Assessment - £75 per hour

This will be charged by the hour and consist of informal assessment through observation and play. Basic speech sound assessments can also be carried out.

SLT Assistant Therapy Session - £55

This will consist of approximately 30-40 mins direct intervention and time for liaison and feedback.

Additional fees

Emails and telephone calls – £15 per 15 minutes

General correspondence via email or phone is included within your session fee, however, if the parents and/or school request an in depth update via email or telephone the fee above will apply.

Mileage – £1.50 per mile over 10 miles from TN10 4QY

Weekend appointments

Weekend appointments are subject to availability and are priced separately. Please enquire for more details
